What Spanish speakers are watching: Premios Juventud

In case you missed it guys yesterday was Premios Juventud day. For those new to the awards it’s kind of like the  Teen Choice/MTV Music awards Hispanic style. Premios Juventud = Youth Awards. So how’d our Mexican talent do?? Take a look at the list of winners:

* Category* &     –Winner

*Que Actoraso* = Heck of an actor      –                                       Alfonso Herrera

*Voz del momento* = Best Vocal talent right now –              Espinoza Paz

*Cancion Corta-venas= Best heartbreak song –             “Mientes”(You lie) by Camila

*Mi artista regional* = Fav Regional artist –                             Espinoza Paz

*Mi Artista Rock* = Fav Rock artist –                                           Alejandra Guzman

*La deportista de alta tension* = Fav female sportstar         Lorena Ochoa

*Chica que me quita el sueno* = Girl of my dreams                Jacqueline Bracamontes

Cute, fun, upbeat performance by Ducle Maria

Camila does it again, yet another great song,  really beautiful and full of emotion.

I’m not a huge fan of regional music but ya know what, Espinoza Paz is actually starting to grow on me.





Spanish: Fun With Slang Part 1(Mexican)

The coolest part about learning a language is picking up cool colloquial  expressions and learning how to sound like a true native speaker.  So what’s the word with the cool Mexican kids? The following post is the skinny on Mexican Slang. *disclaimer: sorry I don’t know the rules for indicating pronunciation the way the dictionary does so I’ve spelled things out in a way that should  give you an idea of the sound(I hope). If you would like to perfect pronunciation practice with a Spanish speaking friend, these phrase are super easy.  Or you can practice your Spanish vowel and consonant sounds with the following videos:   CONSONANTS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvw_pYurmmE VOWELS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tLAp5DMOuo You’ll be happy to know vowels are super easy they only have one unchanging pronunciation unlike English vowels sounds =D Sorry but consonants get a bit tricky.

*They excluded an explanation for  x & double L.  Many English speakers will pronounce the ll as having… well a double L sound. The correct sound for a double L is a Y sound as in llorar(to cry) yoh-rahr , llamar (to call) yah-mahr. The letter X can be kinda tricky as it can sound like an S,K, or J. However there are very few words with X in them so  it’s easy to memorize how the words are said . EXAMPLES: Examen= ehk- sah-mehn, Mexico= Meh- hee-koh, Texas= Teh-hahs,  Xavier= hah-vee-ehr ,  Quixote= keeh-hoh-teh, S = Xilofono = see-loh-fah-no

WORD: CHIDO or PADRE       MEANING: COOL, GREAT, AWESOME! Can be used alone,  just like the word cool in English.      PRONUNCIATION: chee- doh/pah-dreh

SAMPLE SENTENCES: Que nombre tan chido! = What a really cool name!   Esa ropa esta  padre = those clothes are cool.  Ta(short for esta) chido = “That’s cool” can mean I really like that or can be used when you mean to say: I agree, let’s do it, that’s fine/ok.  If a friend shares something cool that happened to them like they just got a new sports car, won a million dollars lol  you can say “Que chido!” =  “how cool”. That’s awesome, great for you!

WORD: CUATES     MEANING : FRIENDS, BUDDIES, PALS (singular cuate)      PRONUNCIATION: kuah-teh-ehs

SAMPLE SENTENCES: Me la paso rebien con mis cuates. = I have lots of fun with my friends.  Eres mi mejor cuate. = You’re my best friend.

Siempre puedo contar en mis cuates = I can always count on my friends.

PHRASE : ERES LA NETA   MEANING: You are the absolute best. The real deal when it comes to awesome.   PRONUNCIATION: eh-rehs- Lah-neh-tah

SAMPLE SENTENCES: Gracias por tu ayuda, eres la neta! = Thanks for you’re help you’re the best.    Esa banda es la neta! = That band rocks!

WORD: SALE/  SAZ       MEANING: Ok, let’s do it, I’m game. I’ll go along with that idea.  PRONUNCIATION: sah-leh/ sa-ahz

WORD: OSO     MEANING: A terribly embarrassing moment, a huge faux pas. Situation where you make a  complete fool of yourself, look like total clown.  PRONUNCIATION: oh-soh   SAMPLE SENTENCES: Que oso! Oh my gosh how embarrassing! Que oso hiciste en el centro comercial!   Wow! you sure made a fool of yourself  at the mall.

PREFIX: RE    MEANING: Added to adjectives to mean extra, really ,super    PRONUNCIATION: This is a word where the  r is rolled=  rreh

EXAMPLES: re+feo = super ugly (guy or noun which is considered masculine grammar wise)/  , re+bonita= a total beauty(girl or noun which is considered feminine grammar wise) re+chido = super mega ultra cool , re+te+harto= a whole lot as in “Te quiero rete harto” = I love you a whole lot , comi rete harto= I ate a whole lot   re+rapido=  super fast, re+aburrido= to be super bored/ something is very boring.

WORD: FRESA    MEANING: a preppy, a snob, spoiled rich kid  PRONUNCIATION: freh sah

EXAMPLES: bola de niños fresa =nothing but a bunch of snobs, No seas fresa= don’t act like such a preppy

WORD: PIPIRISNAIS(adjective) = MEANING= Ooh la la, so fancy! Often used to make fun of those who think they’re all that, better than others, high class. PRONUNCIATION = pee-pee- rees-nah-eehs  SAMPLE SENTENCES: Vamos a comer en este restaurante? Que pipirisnais! We’re going to dine at this restaurant? Ooh la la, how fancy. Se cre la muy pipirisnais. She thinks she’s a dutches or something.

NACO=Can be a noun or adjective.  A nerd, dweeb, someone who’s socially inept a person without a clue when it comes to class or style. Totaly lame,  not the least bit  cool. PRONUNCIATION: NAH-KOH

A website in Spanish has a daily fashion show down in the entertainment section where it posts pics of celebs the title of the competition is “naco o chido”  meaning hot or not.

PHOTO CREDITS: I do not own any of the pictures and all credits go to their owners.
DC Comics

Mexicans synonymous with beans to you? You need to learn about Nopales my friend.

There are those who will automatically connect Mexicans with beans some so much so as to venture to stereotype.  The truth unbeknownst to them however,  there is a Mexican diet staple which far surpasses beans when it comes to being emblematic and symbolic. The nopal is a true symbol of our people.  Depicted in artwork,  named in songs , and referenced in sayings.  For example: when a person tries to deny their Mexican heritage they are greeted with the following saying  “Luego,  luego se te ve el nopalote” which would translate to something like “Oh please you might as well have a big o’l  cactus plant growing out of your head, because there’s no denying you’re 100% Mexican.”

But why does the  nopal hold such a notable position in our culture? Although it does play a big role when it comes to : Mexican  diet, agriculture, traditions, and the economy the most  important reason is yet another.  The nopal is  important  because of  it’s role in Mexico’s history. It is forever linked to our people through being  part of our folklore &  mythology.  Mexico’s legendary founding is a tale of how the heavens guided the Aztects to their future kingdom Tenochtitlan by sending them in search of a cactus plant with an eagled pearched on top eating a snake. The tale which  is what is depreciated on our flag.

TORTILLAS MADE OUT OF NOPALES :http://store.nopaltilla.com/



Nopales (from the Nahuatl word nōpalli for the pads, or nostle, from the Nahuatl word nōchtli for the fruit) are a vegetable made from the young cladophyll (pad) segments of prickly pear, carefully peeled to remove the spines. These fleshy pads are flat and about hand-sized. They can be purple or green. They are particularly common in their native Mexico, where the plant is eaten commonly and regularly forms part of a variety of Mexican cuisine dishes. Farmed nopales are most often of the species Opuntia ficus-indica, although the pads of almost all Opuntia species are edible.

Nopales are generally sold fresh in Mexico. In more recent years bottled, or canned versions are available mostly for export. Less often dried versions are available. Used to prepare nopalitos, they have a light, slightly tart flavor, like green beans, and a crisp, mucilaginous texture. In most recipes the mucilaginous liquid they contain is included in the cooking. They are at their most tender and juicy in the spring.[1]

Though Nopales are most commonly used in Mexican cuisine in dishes such as huevos con nopales (eggs with nopal), “carne con nopales” (meat with nopal), “tacos de nopales”, or simply on their own or in salads with Panela Cheese. Nopales have also grown to be an important ingredient in New Mexican cuisine.[2]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nopal

Health Benefits-

Nopales are very rich in insoluble and especially soluble dietary fiber. They are also rich in vitamins (especially vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K, but also riboflavin and vitamin B6) and minerals (especiallymagnesium, potassium, and manganese, but also iron and copper). Nopales have a high calcium content, but the nutrient is not biologically available because it is present as calcium oxalate, which is neither highly soluble nor easily absorbed through the intestinal wall.[3] Addition of nopales also reduces the glycemic effect of a mixed meal.[4] Nopales are low carbohydrate and may help in the treatment of diabetes.[5]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nopal

Nopales are a recognized in culinary circles as a gourmet ingredient.

photo credits : http://cdn0.grupos.emagister.com/imagen/flor_de_nopal_330684_t0.jpg



Team Mexico’s heavenly cheer

If you’re among those wondering  just what the heck the green wave is singing about, just what is that melody they break out in at World Cup games, and Fan Fests this post is for you.

The song in question is called “Cielito Lindo” This is a  song heard far and & wide wherever fans of team Mexico make their vibrant presence  felt,  sung anywhere Mexican brothers and sisters congregate to root on their hopes and dreams. It’s a  song everyone knows , a song that unites, and warms the heart , fills  it with nostalgia and patriotism a song that speaks of the beauty of our home land and tell a sweet story of love. Just sing the first four  ay ay ay ays and people know exactly what you’re about to sing next . When this song is played people don’t  hesitate to  join in,  before you know it you’ve  got a whole happy crown arm in arm singing along. Cielito Lindo  is a world renowned song  a bonified classic and has been sung by some of the most celebrated singers, including opera stars.

VISIT THE FOLLOWING LINK FOR : Lyrics, translation, and history of famous CIELITO LINDO SONG


(Cielito Lindo starts at 2:21)

What “reasonable suspicion” constitutes

Clothes, eye contact, location, nervousness are among a few  of the guidelines on the list given to officers who will be in charge of enforcing SB 1070.   The Dessert Lamp breaks it down for those wondering just what do they mean by “reasonable suspicion”,  and learn about the “lawful stop” provision in SB 1070 which  originally read  “lawful contact”.  Giving out voluntary statements regarding legal status, and what role Miranda rights play in such an case.


What Spanish speakers are watching

So glad that I was lucky enough to find subbed versions of  a string of really amusing Corona commercials that have been running during the world cup to share with non Spanish-speaking  readers.  They’re really cute &  funny, but the best part is the concept being promoted: brotherhood, pride in your roots and the heritage which we share. This idea  is championed by the  motto “refresh who we are”. Though yes, in the end they may only be trying to sell some beer or whatever lol ,  and the commercials are pretty comical compared to other more austere and grandiose symbols of unity , in light of  recent political events and the tense climate that has been fermenting as a result of the growing  movement by groups with antagonizing sentiments towards Hispanics it’s really very cool to see gestures like these.  Speaking of  togetherness, it has also been felt during the worldcup when it has become “1 for all and all for 1” when it came to rooting for teams.  That indeed is mega super chido! VAMOS TODOS!

“Corona Extra, better known as Corona, is a brand of pale lager owned and produced by Cerveceria Modelo at a number of breweries in Mexico. It is one of the best-selling beers in Mexico and is one of the top-selling beers worldwide.[2] Corona beer is available in over 150 countries.[3] ” –http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona_Beer

Feliz Cumpleaños a ti: Frida Kahlo’s 103rd birthday

Today marks the 103rd birthday of one of the most renowned, and influential Mexican painters of the middle twentieth century. “Frida Kahlo”  is  #2 on Twitter’s Worldwide  TT(trending topics list), Google celebrated with a doodle, and numerous commemorative articles are being diffused…  just to name a few of the ways  she is being honored and remembered today.

Bio & other cool Frida Links:







Pictures of Frida


Empowering Art project inspired by Frida
